If you need consultancy help with any of the issues raised in Chemicals Coffee Time, we can answer them via email as well as in person using our Quick Consultancy Call feature.

The Quick Consultancy Email process:

  • Simply email us your question using the link below, giving as much detail as possible
  • We will send you a quote for cost and when we can answer by
  • If you’re happy, then either pay by card or request an invoice;
  • And we will answer your question by email (fitting that work round our other commitments)

Choose your consultant here

Janet Greenwood holds an Ordinary BSc in Combined Science from the University of Strathclyde; an MSc in Soil Science from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne; and a Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching (with Qualified Teacher Status for secondary schools) from the University of Huddersfield.

Her career took some time to settle down until she found her niche within the chemical industry, working at the Rhone-Poulenc Leeds site from 1993 – 1997, until redundancy forced her to leave for a brief tour in teaching.  She rejoined the chemical industry when she set up TT Environmental Ltd in 2001, combining her industry knowledge with her environmental training to work in Environmental Permitting and COMAH. The business has evolved to include supporting industry via the Chemical Regulations Self Help Group, and training people in CLP classification, labelling and SDS compilation (where that teacher training has actually proved useful!).

Janet’s skill sets include all phases of Environmental / IPPC permitting; COMAH ERAs (although she’s not really a fan of the CDOIF ERA as it’s currently used); being able to speak to regulators and industry; understanding business as an owner and manager; giving in person, Zoom/ Teams and online talks and training; and writing the weekly newsletter (with help from our lovely readers). She’s a keen cook and baker, and attempts to train her working cocker spaniel.

Email Janet here: janet@ttenvironmental.co.uk 


All emails are are covered by our standard TT Environmental Ltd Terms and Conditions, which includes confidentiality.  If you would like us to sign an NDA, we are happy to do so provided it is a 2-way NDA, as we may include proprietary information in our discussions with you.

Depending on the time it will take to answer the question(s), we may answer them for free, or we may need to charge.

The current hourly rate for Quick Consultancy Emails is £150 plus VAT (slightly lower than Quick Consultancy Calls as we can answer them to suit our diaries).  The number of hours needed to answer a question will vary, but we will quote you a fixed price upfront.

If you request and invoice, it will be a VAT invoice.  If you pay by card, you should receive a VAT receipt from our online systems after payment.  Due to the way Stripe works, we have to bill you the total amount, including VAT, then send a receipted invoice from a separate software.  Please check your spam folder, as the receipted invoice may end up in there.  

As long as we know which company you work for, and we can make the invoice out to that company, that’s all we need to know.

We found that we were spending a lot of our time answering questions from clients or potential clients which was taking us away from chargeable work on larger projects.  Quick Consultancy Emails allows us to answer your short questions, rather than refusing to help.

We get asked this regularly, but we don’t have retainer contracts at the moment.  As a small company, we would have to limit the number of retainer contracts we take on, to avoid being overwhelmed at busy times of year.  Quick Consultancy Emails allows us to help more people.

That’s great! Please head to our “Quick Consultancy Calls” page to book a call here