If you need consultancy help with any of the issues raised in Chemicals Coffee Time, then please book a Teams call with Janet (COMAH, Environmental Permit, chemical business support).

Choose how long a call you need; then click on the link to choose a time to suit yourself, pay via card, and the booking will automatically be added to our diary.  Please include as much information as you can when you book.  You can invite colleagues once the booking has been made.  After the call, you will have access to the recording and transcript.  

No Teams? no problem, you can sign in as a guest, you don’t need to install it before our call.

If you don’t have time for a call, or just need a response without discussing it face to face, try out Quick Consultancy Emails option.

Choose your call here


All calls are covered by our standard TT Environmental Ltd Terms and Conditions, which includes confidentiality. If you would like us to sign an NDA, we are happy to do so provided it is a 2-way NDA, as we may include proprietary information in our discussions with you.

Current rates (2025) are:

  • 20 minute call, £60 plus VAT, total £72
  • 1 hour call, £180 plus VAT, total £216

This includes our consultant’s advice during the call, access to a video recording and transcript, and our preparation/ follow up time (as long as that’s not too long, we may have to charge extra if there is more work than anticipated)


You should receive a VAT receipt from our online systems after payment.  Due to the way Stripe works, we have to bill you the total amount, including VAT, then send a receipted invoice from a separate software.  Please check your spam folder, as the receipted invoice may end up in there.  

As long as we know which company you work for, and we can make the invoice out to that company, that’s all we need to know.

Try our “Quick Consultancy Emails” option instead, see https://chemicalscoffeetime.co.uk/quick-consultancy-emails/